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Evolution Slimming Ltd

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dry Skin Brushing: A Natural Way to Detox

 Ultimate Maqui Berry

Dry skin brushing is a very inexpensive and effective way of helping to detoxify your body. If you are looking for a natural way to detox, look no further. It is also exceptionally easy, pleasant and very invigorating. It requires brushing of the skin with a natural bristle brush or a loofah and it stimulates the blood circulation, gets the lymphatic system functioning properly and enhances the elimination of toxins. It is considered one of the best natural lymphatic cleansers. The lymphatic system is made up of lymph vessels, lymph nodes and organs that are part of the body’s in built defence system. The lymph nodes help to infliltrate all the harmful micro-organisms and foreign substances, filtering bacteria that may enter the bloodstream.

 Skin brushing enhances proper functioning of the organs, allows the body to breathe and increases blood circulation to underlying tissues and organs while stimulating the release of waste material from the cells near the surface of the body. The wastes released are then carried away from the cells by the blood and lymph system, where most of the toxins find their way to the colon. Stimulating the circulation of the blood and removing the top layer of dead skin is essential for maintaining youthful, glowing skin. A common problem of toxin and poison build up that women, even slim women suffer from is cellulite. Cellulite is a term for fatty deposits that collect just below the surface of the skin giving that ‘orange peel’ look. It is very undesirable and effects young and older women. It usually collects on the skin surface on the abdomen, lower limbs and pelvic region. Dry skin brushing due to the massaging sensation of the bristles can help to eliminate the appearance of cellulite.

Brushing of the skin works to eliminate dead skin cells by exfoliation which in turn, helps new skin to regenerate and significantly improves the skin’s muscle tone, complexion and its overall radiance. When the lymphatic system is stimulated by skin brushing it will not only encourage blood circulation and cell regeneration but also the aforementioned detoxification and cellulite reduction, but also help to promote weight loss.

Just to re-cap here are the benefits of Dry skin brushing:
·         Increases the blood circulation
·         Tightens and tones the skin
·         Rejuvenates the nervous system
·         Cleanses your pores
·         Removes dead skin cells
·         Stimulates your sweat and sebaceous glands
·         Cleanses the body of impurities and toxins
·         Banishes ugly, stubborn, unsightly cellulite

You should aim for 5-10 minutes of dry skin brushing everyday preferably when your skin is dry and before a shower or bath so you can wash away the dead skin cells. Start off very gently always brushing away from the extremities of the body, overtime your body will be able to handle more vigorous brushing.

However, if the thought of dry skin brushing seems too much like hard work, there is an even less taxing alternative where you can enjoy the very same effect. For a full body detox, try a once a day supplement called Ultimate Maqui Berry. One great tasting supplement provides your body with all the nutrients it needs to rejuvenate its cells and purify the whole body. Thanks to the Maqui berry’s high level of antioxidant it significantly improves the appearance and quality of your skin, hair and nails, encourages blood circulation, help to suppress appetite for an important weight loss aid, help to lessen the ageing process and provide you with natural energy.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Four Benefits of Increasing the natural HGH levels

 Incubationer LTD

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is secreted by the pituitary gland in the human body. Its main function as the name suggests, is to regulate and promote the growth of the human body. In children, HGH functions as purely a growth regulator which aids in increasing the height, developing the organs, increasing immunity etc. But, in adults, HGH's main role is maintaining the overall health of the body by stimulating the production and regeneration of cells and tissues.

By doing so, it keeps the body hale and hearty. Intensive workout regimes tend to increase the natural HGH levels of the body. Adequate sleep of about 8 hours daily is also a good regulator of the natural HGH levels of the body. There are many benefits of increasing the natural HGH levels which have been documented and yet many more which have yet to be discovered. Some of these would be discussed in details in this article.

Increase in the Body's Immunity

HGH is a hormone of the pituitary gland that promotes production of itself. So, a minute increase in its concentration can bring about in time, a larger increase in its levels in the body. HGH in adequate concentration aids in warding off diseases and infections within the body by increasing the blood cell count. Benefits of increasing the natural HGH levels are that it enhances cardiovascular health, leads to a growth of body organs other than the brain and improves the feel and shade of skin.

Higher Energy Levels or Stamina

Another Benefit of increasing the natural HGH levels is that it stimulates an increase in hormone levels of the body. Hormones being chemical messengers of the body stimulate the organs of the body into action thus, increasing your energy levels. Other than this, it also improves the overall quality of your sleep. By doing so, it provides that extra bit of energy which is required to get through a gruelling day.

Growth of Lean Muscles

HGH promotes the production of proteins in muscles and increases the metabolism of fat. Higher HGH levels in the body increase the lean muscle density and that of the adipose tissues as well. This in turn results in an increase in muscle weight of the body and a reduction in body fat. This is one of the major benefits of increasing the natural HGH levels.

Acts as an Anti-Ageing Agent

The body of an adolescent produces the maximum amount of HGH. With an increase in age, the HGH levels in the body begin depreciating. This is considered to be the main reason for ageing. Benefits of increasing the natural HGH levels of the body are that the human body's natural tendency to age is hindered. This happens because the primary action of HGH is to rejuvenate the cells of the body. With more new cells in the body than the old and dying ones, the body feels younger and more energetic. If the HGH level in a body can be maintained at a level similar to that found in an adolescent, the body will always remain strong and healthy.