
Medi Direct International.


Evolution Slimming Ltd

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Ultimate Beauty Secret for Improved Skin, Acne And Hair

Detoxification is one of the most important elements in promoting a healthy body.  It might seem like a tall order, but in actual fact, achieving beautiful hair, crystal clear skin and strong healthy nails is far easier than you would imagine. It does not have to be complicated. By cutting out all the processed, sugary, fatty foods and replacing them with an adequate amount of protein, vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids (good fats) carbohydrates and of course plenty of water. Forget so called miracle creams, lotions and potions; that is the true beauty secret. By purging your body of all the harmful additives, excess sugars and fats and chemicals that can deplete your body’s nutrients, you then not only reap the benefits of a healthy inside but it will also show on the outside.  This doesn’t mean never having any of the foods you enjoy, just not so often.
Ultimate Maqui Berry
Dull, tired looking skin or maybe you suffer from acne; this is caused from not what you put on your face but from within. The key to improve your skin is improving what you put inside your body, plenty of fluid, fruit and vegetables will flush away all impurities leaving you with a clearer and more glowing complexion. Water is essential for tight, plump skin; dehydration can lead to premature ageing and wrinkles and promote thinning of the skin.  Your body naturally loses up to half a pint of water a day so it needs to be regularly replenished. Our hair is exposed to every kind of pollution imaginable, harmful UV rays, chemicals from hair dyes etc. These can all take a toll on your hair’s appearance and strength leaving you with weak, brittle, lack-lustre hair. By eradicating the ‘bad’ foods in your diet and being sure to include these essential vitamins, minerals and food stuffs in your diet, you will see an improvement in your entire being.  For example;

Choose a high-potency multivitamin with Selenium, Molybdenum, and Zinc.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Food sources of Vitamin C and Glutathione, which are essential for an effective detox. 
Choline and Methionine
These supplements Choline and Methionine help to regulate fat metabolism and increase bile flow. 
Vitamin C
An important vitamin, one the body cannot store. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports detox. It may also help to decrease some of the side effects of detox, such as headache or nausea.
Milk Thistle
This herb has many positive effects on the liver. It is an antioxidant, assists in liver cell regeneration, and is used after exposure to chemical and industrial pollutants or adverse effects from excess alcohol or fat consumption.
These contain plant compounds known as Caffeoylquinic acids, which increase the flow of bile and help to digest fats. Beets
Beets contain Betaine, which promote the regeneration of liver cells and the flow of bile. It also has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism. As a slightly easier option, to get all these effects all in one you could also enlist the help of Ultimate Maqui Berry – the natural detox pill. The number one superfood on the planet formulated into a one a day supplement designed to promote a healthy body by way of detoxifying your entire body from head to toe, giving your metabolism a kick start, helping to quell your appetite so you can rid your body of any surplus fat while leaving you with glowing skin, strong, thick, glossy hair, a body that’s full of energy and a slimmer waistline.

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