
Medi Direct International.


Evolution Slimming Ltd

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How To Burn Fat and Increase Lean Muscle With HGH

HGH The Master Hormone

Human Growth Hormone, HGH has been called a miracle hormone. It looks over so many functions of the body either directly or indirectly, that with out it we simply cannot exist. Hormones are chemical messengers of the body secreted by the Endocrine Glands. Their chief responsibility is to control the functioning of the body and to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is when all the anabolic and catabolic functions in a body are performed in the same ratio. HGH, out of all of these, seems most promising when it comes to weight loss and muscle building. HGH performs its task of muscle building by increasing the muscle tissue count and by elongating the muscle cells. Burn Fat and Increase Lean Muscle With HGH supplements for a better looking body and a sharp mind too.

Mechanism of HGH

HGH over the years has become more and more popular among muscle enthusiasts. Some have even gone on to say that HGH is the best method to reduce body fat and make muscles fast. You can burn fat and increase lean muscles with HGH supplements which come in a variety of forms such as pills, sprays, patches and injections. Even though the concentration of HGH in these supplements is quite nominal, it is enough to stimulate the pituitary gland to secret HGH. Thus, HGH can stimulate the production of itself. This is the mechanism of HGH supplements. With more HGH running through your body, you will start to feel more alert and active. In children and teenagers, HGH is present in large quantities and so they grow in height and weight fast. As one crosses twenty the levels start dropping. This in turn corresponds to a drop in lean muscle mass and an increase in fat absorption.

How To Use HGH For Bodybuilding

Exercise when coupled with HGH supplements can build your body faster. That is why movie stars and athletes prefer HGH supplements to boost lean muscle mass and reduce fat. When you exercise your body tires out. A tired body releases a surge of lactic acid into muscle tissue which in turn triggers an immediate release of HGH. HGH supplements simply hasten this process up while burning up excess fat.

Support For HGH In The Scientific Community

HGH supplementations will irrespective of age, gender, habits etc. give you that edge in your pursuit for a leaner and fitter body. Researchers as well as scientists have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that HGH supplements work. According to them, HGH supplements reduce the time taken to achieve a target weight by nearly one third. For every 8% gain in lean muscle mass a corresponding 15% of body fat is converted into useful energy. HGH can do all of this because its primary function is to convert fat into usable energy. This energy manifests itself in the form of greater muscle mass, better oxygen capacity and a healthy cardiovascular system. Thus, burn fat and increase lean muscles with HGH supplements. Other than exercise, you need to make sure that you get plenty of rest and try to reduce your stress level throughout the day. It has been seen that ample sleep and a stress free life keeps the natural HGH levels high.

Human Growth Hormone

The Ultimate Beauty Secret for Improved Skin, Acne And Hair

Detoxification is one of the most important elements in promoting a healthy body.  It might seem like a tall order, but in actual fact, achieving beautiful hair, crystal clear skin and strong healthy nails is far easier than you would imagine. It does not have to be complicated. By cutting out all the processed, sugary, fatty foods and replacing them with an adequate amount of protein, vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids (good fats) carbohydrates and of course plenty of water. Forget so called miracle creams, lotions and potions; that is the true beauty secret. By purging your body of all the harmful additives, excess sugars and fats and chemicals that can deplete your body’s nutrients, you then not only reap the benefits of a healthy inside but it will also show on the outside.  This doesn’t mean never having any of the foods you enjoy, just not so often.
Ultimate Maqui Berry
Dull, tired looking skin or maybe you suffer from acne; this is caused from not what you put on your face but from within. The key to improve your skin is improving what you put inside your body, plenty of fluid, fruit and vegetables will flush away all impurities leaving you with a clearer and more glowing complexion. Water is essential for tight, plump skin; dehydration can lead to premature ageing and wrinkles and promote thinning of the skin.  Your body naturally loses up to half a pint of water a day so it needs to be regularly replenished. Our hair is exposed to every kind of pollution imaginable, harmful UV rays, chemicals from hair dyes etc. These can all take a toll on your hair’s appearance and strength leaving you with weak, brittle, lack-lustre hair. By eradicating the ‘bad’ foods in your diet and being sure to include these essential vitamins, minerals and food stuffs in your diet, you will see an improvement in your entire being.  For example;

Choose a high-potency multivitamin with Selenium, Molybdenum, and Zinc.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Food sources of Vitamin C and Glutathione, which are essential for an effective detox. 
Choline and Methionine
These supplements Choline and Methionine help to regulate fat metabolism and increase bile flow. 
Vitamin C
An important vitamin, one the body cannot store. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports detox. It may also help to decrease some of the side effects of detox, such as headache or nausea.
Milk Thistle
This herb has many positive effects on the liver. It is an antioxidant, assists in liver cell regeneration, and is used after exposure to chemical and industrial pollutants or adverse effects from excess alcohol or fat consumption.
These contain plant compounds known as Caffeoylquinic acids, which increase the flow of bile and help to digest fats. Beets
Beets contain Betaine, which promote the regeneration of liver cells and the flow of bile. It also has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism. As a slightly easier option, to get all these effects all in one you could also enlist the help of Ultimate Maqui Berry – the natural detox pill. The number one superfood on the planet formulated into a one a day supplement designed to promote a healthy body by way of detoxifying your entire body from head to toe, giving your metabolism a kick start, helping to quell your appetite so you can rid your body of any surplus fat while leaving you with glowing skin, strong, thick, glossy hair, a body that’s full of energy and a slimmer waistline.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Losing Weight Safely Over Time

AlliWhen it comes to weight loss there are a lot of products that claim to provide quick results with little to no effort on your part. These are the types of products that should be avoided if you are serious about losing your excess weight. The types of products that are most effective are the ones that take more time to help you take that weight off. Losing weight over a short period of time makes you more prone to gaining that weight back after you have reached your targeted loss goal. The only safe and effective way to lose weight is to lose it over a longer period of time at a steady rate.
    There are a couple of different products that help you lose weight within this safe period of time. These products are most generally prescription products that actually encourage eating. A healthy diet is an important part of making these products work to your favor.
    One type of these products eliminates the majority of the fat from the foods you consume by quickly flushing it from your body. Because these types of products flush the fat out so quickly, they encourage a change of diet and a limit to the amount of fats in each meal. These products generally come with some type of food guide and recipes that have been tested for their fat content. The only problems reported for this type of product are related to a slip by the dieter in the recommended fat intake. This type of slip may result in some discomfort caused by the fast passing of fats.
    Another type of these products has been formulated to actually attach to the fats in the foods you consume so that they are too complex for your body to absorb. These products literally change the make up of the fat in the foods you consume to keep your body from storing it. This type of product helps ensure that the body does not mistake over eating for a need to store extra fats away for later use. By doing this, these products stop the body’s natural instinct to hold on to every source of energy it can get.
    In both cases it is important to understand that a healthy diet consists of some fat. Fat is only your enemy when it is excessively consumed. It is also safe to assume that if you go with a product that helps pass fat through your body at a very fast rate that you should plan on limiting your intake of fat. This will keep you from experiencing discomfort while taking these types of products.
    In general, these types of products are not for everyone. They should be limited to people who want to take off a large amount of weight. These products should also only be used by a person who has consulted their medical professional and has received advice from them on the best and safest dieting product to use in their situation. Your doctor knows all other medications and should be able to tell you whether these products would safely interact with them.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Let Alli Double Your Weight Loss Results

AlliIt is no secret that it takes hard work and a change of lifestyle to lose weight and keep it off. There are many dieting pills on the market that claim to be miracle drugs. These manufacturers would have you believe that all you have to do is take their product and you can stand in front of a mirror and watch the pound melt away. While they make it sound good, these types of dieting pills rarely work. Often times, these products will drop the weight too quickly, which generally leads to weight gain after you quit taking the product.
    The truth is that there is only one proven way to lose weight and keep it off. Exercise and a low fat diet is the quickest, easiest way to lose a healthy amount of weight over a set period of time. The alli weight loss system gives your efforts an extra boost. For every two pounds that are lost by your change in diet and your exercise, alli can increase that amount by one.
    It starts with a healthier eating plan that will change the way you look at the foods you eat. The amount of fat you take in when eating is directly related to how much fat your body absorbs. This is where alli steps in to help. Alli prevents your body from absorbing a certain fraction of the overall fat intake of the meal. The alli system gives you an eating plan with low fat foods recommended for peak dieting success.
    The alli system is not for everyone who wants to lose weight. This is a dieting plan specialized for consumers with a BMI of 28 or over. This diet is also for people who are looking to change their lifestyle instead of dropping a few pounds quickly. Alli helps you lose the weight at a healthy weight which increases your chances of keeping the pounds off.
    With the alli system, it is important to set calorie and fat targets. For example, a female who weighs 215 pounds should set there calorie target to 1800 calories per day. The fat target should be set to 19 grams per meal. It is important not to set these targets to low. Eating less than 1200 calories per day is not recommended for a healthy dieting plan. Regardless of popular belief, starving yourself is not the answer to weight loss success. It actually decreases your chances of losing weight because it slows your metabolism. If the body does not get food for a long period of time, when it does get food it will break the food down at a much slower rate, absorbing more of the fat to store for later use.
    Alli is a proven weight loss supplement that will help you lose 50% more weight than just with diet and exercise alone. Studies show that alli users that commit to the healthy eating plan and keep a regular exercise routine lose weight at a healthier rate and are more likely to not only keep the weight off, but also stick with the change of lifestyle.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How to get the best weight loss results


 When seeking to lose weight modifying your eating habits, eating more fruit and vegetables and cutting your fat intake isn’t always enough.

The best diets incorporate a healthy balance of diet and exercise which work together to effectively help your body to burn fat, boost your metabolism and feel fuller for longer.

However, one of the biggest mistakes many slimmer’s make when trying to lose weight is either eating too little – thus not giving their bodies enough calories to support the functionality of their bodies – or they exercise too little.

Top 3 Weight Loss Tips

To experience the best weight loss results, you need to make a number of modifications to both your diet and your exercise regime. However there are also a number of other techniques you can incorporate which can easily help you to experience the weight loss results you crave.

1.    Eat a healthy diet of carbohydrates, protein, fibre, vitamins and fat

Despite many misconceptions that excluding fat completely from your diet can help you to lose weight quickly, eating no fat at all can in fact have the opposite effect on your body. Without fat our bodies can not function properly. Why? Because our bodies need fats for energy!

For this reason it is essential that you keep a moderate amount of fat in your diet. The most effective diets create a balance between a high protein low fat diet, however it is important that you also make sure you maintain a healthy balance of fibres, carbohydrates and vitamins too.

Many slimming programmes recommend splitting your diet into 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fats.

2.    Regular exercise

One common mistake many slimmer’s make is focusing on one area of their body or following just one exercise routine.

Weight training in particular is often overlooked in weight loss plans because of its body building implications; however creating more muscle within your body is one of the most effective ways to increase your fat burn.

Research has found the more muscle you have, the more fat burn you will experience because surplus amounts of energy is needed to rebuild muscle after weight training.

However weight training is not enough. It is also essential to incorporate cardio and aerobics into your weight loss programme as these will work other essential muscles in your body.

The best weight management programmes recommend the following:

•    20-30 minutes of weight training, 3 times a week
•    Two 45 minute cardio workouts a week which are alternated with two 45 minute aerobic workouts

3.    Slimming Pills

If you find it hard to change your eating habits, then slimming pills could provide you with the weight loss support you are looking for.

Offering your body an instant metabolic jump start, there are a number of different weight loss pills you can try:

•    Appetite suppressants – designed to manipulate the production of hormones within your body, appetite suppressants trick your mind into believing you are full when you are not
•    Fat burners – renowned for speeding up the metabolic processes in your body, the faster your metabolic rate, the faster your fat burn
•    Carbohydrate blockers – preventing the break down of starch into glucose, carbohydrate blockers stop the digestive enzyme Alpha Amylase from completing its jobs
•    Fat blockers – made of soluble and non-soluble complex fibers, fat blockers bind with fat molecules to form a viscous solution which is too thick to be digested by the body.