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Friday, March 22, 2013

Green Tea and Cholesterol

R.D.K holdings S.A
Research suggests that regular consumption of significant amounts of green tea can reduce cholesterol and improve overall heart health. Although long utilized in Eastern cultures and prized for its preventative and medicinal power, green tea has received a great deal of attention in recent decades among American researchers. Numerous studies have demonstrated that green tea can improve health in a number of different ways.
In order to understand the excitement among the health and wellness community about the powers of green tea, it is useful to learn more about the types of cholesterol and how they affect the human body. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that looks a lot like fat. It is made in the liver as well as in other cells, and is necessary within the human body for proper function. We use cholesterol to produce Vitamin D, hormones, and the bile acids that our bodies use to digest fat.
Cholesterol becomes a problem when there is too much of it within the body. In addition to being manufactured within the human body, we also get cholesterol from certain foods, such as dairy products, eggs, and meat. When there is too much cholesterol within the body, it begins to accumulate within the body’s circulatory system, and forms a thick, hard deposit on the walls of the body’s arteries. This build up is called plaque, and is the cause of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. In addition, when an artery is heavily blocked by plaque, blood flow is greatly reduced, which can lead to a heart attack.
There are four types of cholesterol: low density lipoproteins (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol, high density lipoproteins (HDL) or “good” cholesterol, very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and triglycerides. To ensure good heart health, doctors advise patients to keep their LDL levels low and their HDL levels high. Although diet and exercise can help keep these levels in check, there is ample research to suggest that supplementation of the key ingredients contained in Advanced Formula Tea Tone Plus can help lower LDL while boosting HDL.  
When looking at green tea’s effects on cholesterol, researchers focus on the active ingredient within green tea, which is catenin extract, and not the beverage itself. In one study, 200 participants who had high levels of cholesterol were given 375 mg of catenin derived from a variety of teas, including green tea. The results demonstrated that the catenin lowered total cholesterol by 11.3 percent. Furthermore, LDL cholesterol was reduced by 16.4 percent, triglycerides were reduced by 3.5 percent, and HDL (the “good” cholesterol) was increased by 2.3 percent. Significant findings, to say the least.
  Keep in mind that the animal and human research into green tea has utilized an extract of the active ingredient, catenin, within their studies. Scientists understand that it is not necessary to consume large volumes of brewed tea in order to reap the benefits of green tea. The proprietary formula that makes Advanced Formula Tea Tone Plus uses this same approach. Our all-natural supplements use the highest-quality tea extracts available to deliver a powerful combo punch of three forms of tea as well as raspberry ketones. By taking a high-quality daily supplement, you will receive the benefits of each of the four ingredients while also allowing them to work together through synergy. Each extract assists the others in achieving their maximum potency.
For more information about the individual ingredients in Advanced Formula Tea Tone Plus

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Green Tea and Stress Relief

R.D.K holdings S.A

Although long revered in Asian cultures as a healthful drink with medicinal powers, green tea has only recently become widely accepted in Western cultures as a superfood. Researchers have conducted numerous studies of the effects of green tea on a variety of ailments, and the results have shown that consumption of green tea can aid in weight loss, lower cholesterol, prevent cancer and boost the immune system. There is also a growing body of evidence that suggests that green tea can aid in stress relief.
Our modern lives have given us a great deal of advancement in medicine, technology and communications. However, we also experience far more stress than in previous generations. Our hectic lifestyles can lead to fatigue, insomnia and other stress-related issues. It can often seem impossible to slow the pace, or keep up with a constant stream of demands. 
Many people turn to the pharmaceutical industry for stress relief options, but instead of relief they are faced with a long list of unpleasant and dangerous side effects. However, there are natural solutions to dealing with high levels of stress. A tea therapy regimen can not only help with weight loss and the prevention of a wide range of illnesses, it can also serve to reduce stress and improve sleep.
The potency of green tea to affect stress levels comes from an amino acid called theanine (sometimes L-theanine,) which is found almost exclusively in green tea leaves. Theanine works within the human brain to shift the brain waves into an alpha pattern. That configuration is the same that occurs naturally when we are peaceful and content but still awake and alert. Theanine also works by increasing the GABA levels within the brain, which is a neurotransmitter that has been shown to affect serotonin and dopamine levels.   
Clinical trials to test the relaxation properties of theanine have produced remarkable results. One large-scale Japanese study included 42,093 participants, 2,774 of whom suffered from psychological stress.   Researchers concluded that participants who consumed 200 mg of theanine (which equates 5-6 cups of green tea) per day became noticeably more relaxed, as compared with those who consumed less than one cup of tea per day.  
The proprietary blend within Advanced FormulaTea Tone Plus combines green tea extract with extracts of oolong and pu-reh teas, as well as with raspberry ketones. This powerhouse combination allows you to experience the health and weight loss benefits of each of these ingredients in one simple supplement. It would be virtually impossible to consume the volume of brewed tea that it would take to equal the extracted compounds within Tea Tone Plus. In addition, taking a high-quality, all-natural supplement means that there is no need to source each individual ingredient, nor pay the high cost of obtaining each of the four components separately.
In addition, the combination of four separate ingredients also allows then to work in synergy with one another. Synergy is nothing more than the effect achieved when two or more things function together to achieve a level of result that would not be possible alone. In other words: each ingredient within Advanced Formula Tea Tone Plus boosts the potency of the others, and work in harmony to maximize the many health benefits of each component. 
For more information, please visit our informational website Advanced FormulaTea Tone Plus. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Health Benefits of Acai Berry

Incubationer LTDThere are so many products that individuals can purchase today that provide various health benefits to the body.  Often times, individuals are purchasing multiple products in order to live a healthier life.  One product that individuals should consider is acai berry, as it has numerous benefits that make it a sound choice.

The acai berry is a grape-sized fruit that grows in the wet areas of Central and South America.  The acai palm can product fruit twice a year and the berries will grow in bunches of approximately 600 berries per palm.  The great thing about this fruit is that it can be eaten in its natural state.  It can also be inserted into products, either as an extract or as a powder. 

There are several health benefits that make acai berry a great choice for properly maintaining your body.  A benefit that individuals receive when they use acai berry products is the influx of antioxidants.  When a person has a diet that is high in antioxidants, they may notice that their body is better equipped to handle certain disease and sicknesses.  The antioxidants help to repair cells that are damaged by the oxidation process that arises in the body.  In addition, the body’s immune system is strengthened by the antioxidants. 

Acai berries are also rich in fatty acids, such as Omega 6 and 9.  These fatty acids are important to an individual’s health because it provides the body with the means to control their cholesterol levels.  Both the good and the bad cholesterol can be maintained and even reduced when acai berries are consumed. 

When you include acai berries in your diet, you can experience a positive change in your health.  To make sure that you are getting the right amount of acai in your system, you can purchase capsules, powders and even juices that can be taken throughout your day.  Acai berries are truly the super-fruit that has helped millions of people lead a better life.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Properties of White Tea: Dietary and Health Benefits

 R.D.K holdings S.A

Whether it is green tea, Oolong tea, Pu-erh tea, or white tea, each of these teas has been traditionally known to have unique beneficial health properties. As more and more scientific research is conducted into these effects, it is becoming clear that these teas may possess numerous properties that make them beneficial to human health.
This report will take a detailed look at the known health and dietary benefits that are associated with white tea; it will also discuss the concept of synergy, whereby the effectiveness of different teas are combined together to maximize the full potential benefits. 

White tea has been traditionally produced in Fujian province on the south-east coast of China. While all the other types of tea produced from the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) are brewed from tea leaves, white tea is produced from the leaves as well as buds of the plant.
In fact, the tea has acquired its name from the silvery downy hairs on the buds of the tea plant. Selection of white tea leaves is very stringent as only small and young leaves are suitable for the tea.
White tea is very lightly oxidized, and the buds and leaves are allowed to wither in natural sunlight before light steaming. Further processing is avoided in order to prevent more oxidization of the tea. 

The Known Health Benefits of White Tea
Being derived from the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis), green tea, Oolong tea, Pu-erh tea and white tea all share similar chemical properties and make up, and therefore similar health effects.
For instance, white tea also contains a high amount of polyphenols, which are plant based anti-oxidants. Several studies have shown that polyphenols are responsible for a number of important health benefits.
These anti-oxidants are linked to a reduction in the level of cholesterol. Catechins which are anti-oxidants belonging to this category are known to keep arteries healthy by preventing the build-up of plaque on the endothelial lining of arteries.
Polyphenols have been linked to reducing cholesterol, keeping the circulatory system healthy and improving circulation. This helps in keeping blood pressure down and improving cardio vascular health.
Polyphenols attack harmful free radicals in the body and studies have found a link between these anti-oxidants and anti-cancer action. A 2010 study links white tea extract consumption with suppressive action on cancer cells.
White tea is also found to inhibit the growth of bacterial infections.

  •  A study conducted in 2004 at Pace University, New York, found that white tea extract may have prophylactic applications as it was found to have anti-bacterial properties that retarded the growth of streptococcus infections, staphylococcus infections, pneumonia as well as dental infections. It was also found to have anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. White tea extract was found to totally inactivate Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells and Penicillium spores. The study concluded that the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of white tea may be greater than green tea.

Studies have also found that polyphenols present in white tea may boost immunity by increasing the level of regulatory T cells in the body.
Studies have also shown that these anti-oxidants can have anti-ageing action, by keeping connective tissue healthy and maintaining the health of skin and eyes. Indeed, in China tea has been known to be an agent of youth and health.

  • ·         A study undertaken in 2009 at Kingston University, London, found that white tea consumption could lower the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, certain cancers, as well as heart disease due to its strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and its ability to keep connective tissue healthy.
  • ·         The study also found that white tea prevented or slowed down the breakdown of collagen and elastin caused by enzymes, resulting in anti-ageing effects.  

How Might the Tea Aid with Weight Loss?
Obesity is a growing concern today, especially in post industrialized nations. The rising incidence of obesity and related conditions such as cardio vascular problems and diabetes has made the issue very relevant.
The potential effects of white tea on fat storage and weight gain have attracted the interest of scientists worldwide. Several studies have and are being conducted on these effects in order to understand the full extent to which white tea may aid in weight loss, and the results do look very promising.
White tea has been found to aid weight loss in various ways. Polyphenols present in white tea help lower the levels of cholesterol in the blood, as well as improve the circulatory system. A healthy heart is the first step to maintaining healthy weight through good diet and regular exercise.
White tea may also prevent the storage of fat in the body, and help metabolize fat quicker. It is also found that white tea can suppress appetite, making it easier to follow a healthy diet. 

White Tea Suppresses Growth of Fat Cells

  • ·         A 2008 study conducted on the effect of white tea extract on human fat cells showed that white tea extract caused the breakdown of existing fat cells and inhibited the growth of new fat cells. It was found that white tea suppressed or decreased the expression of genes associated with the creation of new adipocytes. The study concluded that white tea extract is a potent and natural source that can inhibit adipogenesis – which is the conversion of pre fat cells into fat cells, and stimulate lipolysis – which is the breakdown of fats for utilization by the body for energy.
  • ·         The study by a German health food company in 2009 found that Chinese white tea reduces growth of new fat cells and broke down the fat contained in existing cells.

Helps Burn Calories Quicker
White tea contains caffeine and is a naturally thermogenic substance. This means that it helps speed up the metabolism. By boosting metabolism, white tea can help increase the rate at which stored fat is burnt.
While white tea speeds up the metabolic breakdown of calories, it does not contain any calories, making it effective in weight loss. Also, unlike other teas which also contain caffeine, white tea contains a very small amount, making it free from the unpleasant side effects of caffeine consumption. 

Suppresses Appetite
White tea is known to dull the appetite, making it easier to refrain from snacking between meals. This can make it much easier to stick to a healthy weight loss diet.

 Using Tea in Synergy

  • ·         While all teas derived from the Camellia Sinensis (tea) plant have the same basic components and nutrients, each tea also has its own character, developed due to the way the tea is produced and processed. Even within white tea, for instance, the amount of polyphenols can vary based on the processing, the strain of the tea plant etc.
  • ·         Green tea, Oolong tea, Pu-erh tea and white tea all have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to weight loss. However, several studies have shown that all these types of tea can be effective in combating weight gain and obesity.
  • ·         For instance, while green tea has been shown to be particularly effective in reducing the amount of fat stored in the body, Pu-erh tea has properties that impact the digestive system and improve the efficiency of digesting tough fats. White tea has been shown to suppress the growth of new fat cells and help the breakdown of existing fats.
  • ·         Thus using different types of tea together in the right combinations can help create an effective weight loss regime that heightens the benefits of each tea, while overcoming any weaknesses. This can be done by consuming a blend of teas designed specially to heighten the weight loss effects of each tea, or by taking a health supplement consisting of the right blend of tea extracts. 

Side Effects of White Tea
White tea is a completely natural substance, as it has been derived from the tea plant and minimally processed. It contains a very small amount of caffeine, so there are known to be no real side effects for white tea. However, in order to avoid adverse interaction with any existing medication, it is important to seek medical advice before taking any health supplements and products made from concentrated white tea extract.