
Medi Direct International.


Evolution Slimming Ltd

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What Are Bioflavonoid Antioxidants

Nearly everyone has heard of antioxidants, but have you ever wondered exactly what bioflavonoid antioxidants actually do?  The story of antioxidants begins with free radicals.  Free radicals are actually a normal part of our body, in fact some of them work in our immune system, so they are not necessarily all harmful, unless there are too many of them.  Free radicals form as part of our metabolic processes and are actually only atoms that have lost an electron.  Each atom in our body exists in a state of balance between the protons (positively charged molecules) and the negatively charged electrons.  At times, an extra proton can be added to the nucleus of the atom, upsetting the balance, or an electron can simply be lost from one reason or another.
When an atom loses an electron, it becomes unstable and tries to gain an electron to return to normal.  The trouble is, it tries to steal an electron from nearby atoms.  The newly unstable atom thus created tries to gain and electron, and so it goes, in a nasty chain reaction that ultimately damages the cell.  It can interfere with the ability of the cell to function or even go rogue, such as happens with cancer.  You can see how important it is to stop the chain reaction caused by these free radicals before too much damage is done.  The damage free radicals are responsible for are also associated with aging, diabetes, and heart disease.
On the plus side, our bodies do make antioxidants themselves, precisely to deal with free radicals.  Unfortunately, however, due to stress, fatigue, pollution, smoking, or a poor diet, we can come up short on the number of antioxidants we need to deal with these troublemakers, which allows the free radicals to harm us.
Nature has been generous, however, and has provided a number of fruits and vegetables with bioflavonoid antioxidants.  Fruits such as acai berry, grapes, strawberries, and blueberries all contain high amounts of antioxidants.  When we eat these fruits, we release the antioxidants into our systems and they go to work immediately to neutralize the free radicals.
The reason that antioxidants are able to stop the destructive chain reaction caused by the free radicals is because they have plenty of electrons.  As soon as they get near a free radical, an electron will be shed and the free radical will take it up, stabilizing the atom.  As the bioflavonoid antioxidants have a generous supply of electrons, they can stop the destructive avalanche before it causes serious damage to the cell.  A diet rich in foods that provide a high amount of antioxidants, or a acai berry supplement could definitely be beneficial to your metabolism – keeping it healthier and more likely to remain free of disease.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Using Your Thinking to Manage Your Weight

R.D.K holdings S.AIn this article we are going to take a look at 3 top mind training tips that you can easy implement to give your motivation a boost and assist you to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.
Tip 1: Decide to make positive and realistic goals.
 In NLP, we realize that our thinking is vital when it comes to successful completing our desired outcomes and goals. So you make have a goal that is realistic and positively stated. This is important because your mind can’t process a negative, for example if I said to you don’t think about a red car, what are you thinking about? Even though I told you not to think about a red car, you did have a picture of a red car. So your weight loss and your fitness goals must be positively stated and realistic so that you can focus on them and get to where you want to be.
Tip 2: Pay attention to what you say to yourself.
We all talk to ourselves inside our minds and this is what we call self talk. The problem is that people generally do not police their self talk and can be, inadvertently, giving themselves the wrong instructions. Being overly critical of yourself will not allow you to achieve your desired results. It’s not immediately obvious that repeating to yourself over and over again, “I don’t want to be fat anymore” is counterproductive and will cause you to be fat. So you need to change your self talk and start stating positively to yourself how you want to be instead, for example, “I am physical active and I enjoy exercise,” “I am making healthy food choices, “ “I can achieve my goals,” “I deserve to make this change now.”
Tip 3: Visualization
Use the power of your mind to create a clear visual image of the new you. Looking though your own eyes, as if it were happening now, imagine what you will see when you have reached your weight loss goal. What will you hear? How will you feel with all the transformational results you have achieved? In knowing that now, what will accomplishing this goal allow you to do? As you think about it, create in your mind’s eye a sensory rich picture of how it will be. Make sure that the picture includes visual aspects, maybe you looking at yourself in the mirror. Sounds, like the compliments your family members are giving you. Feelings, like feeling delighted with all that you have achieved and excited about the future in light of attaining this outcome. Plus any tastes or smells that might be important. Remember to include some positive self talk that we mentioned earlier in this article.
Summary: In conjunction with your work out regime, diet plan and supplements, remember to utilize the power of your mind to assist you to create outstanding results with your weight loss goals. These include designing goals that are realistic and positively stated, policing your self talk and ensuring it is focused on your success and visualizing what it will be like achieving your goal.

Getting ready for the summer

On the run up to summer many of us are already thinking about getting into that bikini, or if not that adventurous, that little summer dress.  But if you are like many, you are already dreading a diet of restrictive foods. 
Some of us would immediately reach for salads or fruit in order to being our weight loss challenge but there are now products on the market that have sourced the benefits of some fruits, raspberries in particular in order to help us lose weight.  These products contain Raspberry Ketones

Evolution Slimming LtdCertain ketones are found in raspberries that have the ability to reduce fat.  Raspberry Ketones can target fat and encourage the body to use that fat as a source of energy.
Raspberry Ketones have been said to be more effective at reducing fat stores than capsicum.  Many people use capsicum for weight loss but it can cause problems such as heartburn due to its spicy nature.  You also need a lot of capsicum in order to see results.  While it is true that you also need a significant amount of Raspberry Ketones to see such great results, it is certainly much more pleasant to eat raspberries than hot peppers!
Raspberry Ketones give raspberries their fruity flavor but they have also been shown to release hormones that are crucial in the metabolism of fats.  Another reason that many people like using Raspberry Ketones is because they have been shown to increase energy levels.  While you may not have as much energy as you would have after using a caffeinated product, Raspberry Ketones can help to keep your energy levels elevated throughout the day instead of causing a crash.
Research has shown that Raspberry Ketones can help in your weight-loss efforts, especially when paired with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet of healthy and whole foods.
Raspberry Ketones cause the fat within your cells to get broken up more effectively, helping your body burn fat faster. The recommended dose is 100mg per day. To get the same benefit from the whole fruit, you'd have to consume 90 pounds of raspberries. 

How Do Raspberry Ketones Work?
In essence, raspberry ketone will aid in weight loss through two different ways:
Raspberry Ketones slice open the cells in the body and releases fat that was previously stored into the bloodstream. This fat is then burned off immediately causing fat to be removed from the body. 
Raspberry Ketones also prevent the liver from absorbing fat consumed through diet. This means that RaspberryKetones prevent the body from absorbing fat, while simultaneously removing it.

Are there any side effects from taking Raspberry Ketones?
Using Raspberry Ketones has not been shown to cause adverse side effects.  Unlike many ingredients that increase energy levels, Raspberry Ketones do not cause side effects like headaches, nervousness, and jitteriness so it is one of the most desirable ingredients that is included in diet pills. Raspberry ketone is a safe substance with no known side effects or potential health risks.
Another plus though is that Raspberryketone has been found to also lower blood pressure and also improve brain function, improve digestion, as well as many other things. 

Raspberry Ketones are an excellent addition to a diet pill.  They do not completely protect against a high fat diet but when they are used in conjunction with other proven diet pill ingredients you may notice a significant drop in weight.  All that is left then is for you to pick the best product available on the market.  Summer is upon us, so why wait!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Discover Adiphene Natural Pills Supplements

R.D.K holdings S.A

Known Benefits of Adiphene

There are also a good number of reported benefits for Adiphene. When taken on a regular basis, the supplement pills are known to;
  • Reduce appetite
  • Reduce body’s fat absorption
  • Work as fat inhibitor
  • Stimulate body’s metabolism
  • Help you Feel more energetic
  • Increase energy levels in the body

What ingredients go into Adiphene?

There are a total of 12 ingredients found in Adiphene. These are said to work together to promote weight loss, and get results in a relatively short time. For people looking to achieve a slimmer figure, Adiphene has become a popular choice in the form of supplement pills. The ingredients that make up this formula are as follows;
Guarana extract, cinnamon extract, ginger root extract, bitter orange, ginseng panax root extract, vitamin B6, chromium picolinate, cayenne capsicum, glucomannan, cacao extract, I-carnitine HCL and chitosan extract.
All these ingredients combined work together to provide the previously mentioned benefits. It has to be said that to get any of the desired results, the user must take the supplement pills on a regular basis.

How Adiphene Actually Works

The ingredients of Adiphene form the core basis of the supplement pills and their benefits. All the known benefits of the 12 mentioned ingredients work in sync to help the body lose weight naturally.
The twelve ingredients combine together to form a potent supplement that reduces body weight in the following ways;
One of the ingredients is an effective fat binder
One of the ingredients reduces appetite
Three of the ingredients are fat metabolizers
Five of the ingredients are high powered stimulants that help to boost the body’s metabolic systems
There are also two ingredients in the supplement that are potent thermogenic boosters

Any Known Side-effects of Adiphene

The main selling point for Adiphene has been no side effects mostly on the basis of the ingredients used. The supplements are believed to promote weight loss without the negative side effects that are common with most pharmaceuticals.
It is however still necessary for people taking the pills to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that the pills are being used appropriately. In addition to this, pregnant women and women that are nursing babies are strongly advised to avoid using Adiphene or any other kind of supplements or medication that has not been prescribed by a doctor.
Another point to make is that people with pre-existing medical conditions must first consult their doctor before starting on an Adiphene regime. This also applies for people taking any other kind of medication. It is first important to contact your doctor to find out if these supplements are safe for you to use with any other medications.

Adiphene Pills Supplements Recommended Dosage

The manufacturers recommended dosage is two pills every day. There are 60 pills in every bottle of Adiphene supplements. The first pill is to be taken after breakfast, and the second after lunch.

Where to Get Your Hands on Adiphene Supplements

To be safe, it is important to purchase your Adiphene weight loss supplements straight from the official website. This is the best way to guarantee that the product you are getting is authentic. There are also regular offers and discounts offered by the manufacturer to help you save on costs.

Additional Adiphene Supplements Information

This is to get a better understanding of the ingredients and their claimed benefits. It is always important to have as much information as possible about any supplements that you put into your body.
Guarana Extract – this is s traditionally South American bean with high levels of caffeine. It has been known to suppress appetite while at the same time adjusting the natural metabolic rate of the human body. Other known effects include enhanced physical and mental performance.
Cacao Extract – this is derived from the cocoa beans, which have been said to have certain qualities that inhibit the storage of fat in the body. It is also said to reduce carbohydrate and fat digestion inside the body.
Bitter Orange – this is said to help with suppressing appetite.
Ginseng Panax Root Extract – this is a stimulant. It is said to regulate the body’s metabolism especially where carbohydrates are concerned. It is also thought to help regulate the levels of blood sugar in the body. Other suggested benefits of Ginseng panax root extract include better concentration, better physical stamina and improved memory.
Chromium Picolinate – Thought to regulate insulin in the body, chromium picolinate is another ingredient in Adiphene weight loss supplement pills. By consuming predetermined amounts of chromium picolinate, the user is believed to benefit through promoting the effects of insulin in the body. The result is that the body is better able to reduce the amount of fat stored, as this is one of the functions of insulin. Chromium and picolinic acid are the two major components of Chromium picolinate, both of which are believed to perform their own function in assisting the body to work effectively.