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Evolution Slimming Ltd

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fighting Aging with HGH

It would be an unnecessary task to undertake a poll to ascertain the percentage of people wishing to remain youthful forever. Why would be useless? Because the answer is an obvious 100%. Everyone wishes to look their best at all times and what better age to freeze at than youth? Of course there are ways to preserve our youthful look. Looks however can be very deceiving. Being youthful does not stop at looking young, it includes vitality of the body and an over all well being from within! Although there are many ways to achieve the perfect look (such as Botox, plastic surgery etc.) there are however, limited options to maintain the body.

If you are those who are looking at an all in one solution to retard and even reverse the signs of ageing, Human Growth Hormones are the answer! To explain briefly, Human Growth Hormones are protein based poly-peptide hormones which stimulate growth, cell reproduction and regeneration. These are secreted by the anterior pituitary gland where these are also stored and synthesised. These hormones help to enhance functions of other hormones in our body.

To clearly understand the influence of HGH against ageing, it is essential to define ageing itself. Wrinkled skin, osteoporosis, arthritis, high cholesterol levels etc are some of the indications that our body has aged. Although all of these things may happen as we advance in age but these are actually results of changes which are occurring inside our body. To say that a person has wrinkled skin just because they are 40 years old is wrong. Actually there are several products like creams and lotions which can help to delay wrinkles. Also, available are cosmetic surgery options or injections of medicines to fight the results of ageing. Not to forget, there are many people whose skin looks just as wonderful till about 60 years and who refuse to age with years. What then is the difference between the two cases at hand?

The difference may lie in the level of secretion of HGH in each persons body. The level of Human Growth Hormones begins to decline after the age of 35 years and in some cases even earlier. This decline leads to decreased stimulation in the body to produce helpful hormones and proteins. Therefore, ageing and its internal reasons (which eventually show up themselves as patchy skin, bone problems etc) to a certain extent can be countered by balancing the level of HGH in our body.

A healthy level of HGH in the body will have wonderful results such as:

  •   Increasing calcium retention, strengthening and increasing the mineralization of bone
  •   Increase in muscle mass through sarcomere hyperplasia
  •   Promotes lipolysis
  •   Increases protein synthesis
  •   Stimulates growth of all internal organs except the brain
  •   Reduces liver uptake of glucose
  •   Plays role in fuel homeostasis
  •   Promotes gluconeogenesis in the liver
  •   Contributes to the maintenance and function of pancreatic islets and
  •   Stimulates the immune system
  •   Maintenance of skin tone and texture

A careful study of these benefits will reveal that these are actually countering all visible signs of aging. It can thus, safely be said that a balanced level of HGH in the body will be beneficial to not just retard but also reverse the signs and effects of aging. This it does not be delaying the onset like many short term solutions, but by actually restoring lost hormones in our body which are in fact responsible for aging itself!
HGH may be restored in the body through adequate sleep, strength training and even reducing stress in our lives. However, when such measures are not possible or proving helpful a HGH supplement may prove to be a good choice.

  HGHAdvanced Youthful. Energetic. Vibrant.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Are HGH Supplements the Best Way to Restore Your Youth

The most vital and essential functions of our body are dependent upon the secretion and synthesis of various hormones. There are dedicated hormones with specific roles to perform. For example the TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone, as the name suggests, stimulates the thyroid gland in our body to secrete hormones like thyroxine and triidothyronine. TSH itself is secreted in the anterior pituitary gland. In a similar fashion, the anterior pituitary gland is also responsible for the production of HGH, human growth hormone.

Human Growth Hormone is a protein based poly peptide hormone which is responsible for growth, cell reproduction and regeneration. Cells are the building blocks of tissue and by stimulating the cells, this hormone indirectly aids in the development of various tissues in the body. In addition to this, HGH is also instrumental in secretion of proteins found in connective tissue such as elastin and collagen.

Visible benefits of adequate secretion and synthesis of HGH in human body are healthy muscle mass, superior skin tone and texture, regulation in cholesterol level, calcium retention for strengthening bones etc. This hormone is secreted in high amounts during our growing years and early adolescence. However, between the ages of 20-30 years, the secretion of HGH begins to decline at a surprising rate of 14-15% per 10 years! Since HGH is responsible for various functions which help to maintain our vitality, any decline in its level is directly responsible for signs of ageing.

Restoration of HGH levels in the body therefore is the ideal solution to the problem of ageing! There are various ways to choose from to achieve this result. HGH supplement work from inside the body to balance the deficiencies which are triggered by growing older. These have essential nutrients and amino acids which stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete HGH. This secretion adds to the naturally occurring (now diminished with age) level of HGH in the body and help us to restore out body's functions.

HGH supplements score more than other anti-aging product in the simple fact that whereas other products are symptomatic treatments, HGH acts on the root cause of the problem to restore youth. An anti ageing cream does not work on the cause of wrinkle, it only adds to the moisture level and topical level of proteins to make our skin look healthy. The real reason for wrinkle lies in the fact that elastin and collagen (which are dependent upon HGH) begin to diminish. For fragile bones, you make take calcium supplements, but there is a risk of becoming dependent upon these along with other side effects. HGH supplements on the other hand induce our body to stimulate proteins and hormones which can restore the body's deficiencies from within.

The longevity of effects is also higher in case of HGH supplements. Cosmetic treatment or physiotherapy can only help to tighten the skin or ease the pain in joints. These treatments, however promising and innovative can not be compared to what the body can do naturally if kept stimulated to remain youthful.

There are several products available in the market that promise to restore lost youth, but none works better than HGH supplements. The simplicity of the product lies in the fact that it work from within rather than outside in.
HGH Supplements