
Medi Direct International.


Evolution Slimming Ltd

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Capsiplex weight loss pill does work

 Advanced Health LTD
Capsiplex is the revolutionary new slimming supplement manufactured in England. Although very new to the slimming market it is already getting rave reviews and is getting a reputation from celebrities as being a miracle pill. With so many diet supplements coming out of the woodwork, is this one as effective as it is claimed to be?

Capsiplex is a combination of Capsicum (hot chilli pepper extract) Caffeine and Niacin. Capsicum being the primary ingredient. It is said to burn as many calories as you would burn following an hour and a half walk or a 25 minute jog, 278 calories it is reported. It is available to purchase without prescription as it consists of completely natural ingredients. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans and safe for anyone over the age of 16 in good health to use.

Capsiplex has already eclipsed its rivals by getting heavy publicity in the newspapers and magazines. The Daily Mail and the Sunday express have featured Capsiplex as a supernatural invention in the weight loss industry. It has also received praise from Hollywood celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears who apparently use Capsiplex to maintain their weight.

Red hot chilli peppers have huge potential for weight loss due to their appetite suppressing and fat burning qualities by the process of thermogenesis (heat production from an increase in the body's metabolism). However due to the volume of capsicum needed to have this thermogenic effect it would cause considerable gastric pain and discomfort to the user. With Capsiplex, the capsule itself has a special protective layer around it enabling the supplement to be taken safely without irritation and the ingredients are fully absorbed in the intestine without losing its efficacy.

As a relatively new product to the slimming market, no side effects have yet been reported and the amount of Caffeine in Capsiplex is so small that any negative side effects are highly unlikely. This supplement is very effective in its own right when taken within a balanced diet however the manufacturers of Capsiplex do recommend moderate exercise as this can only bolster the effects of Capsiplex and will help you lose any extra weight even quicker.

Clinical trials and studies have proved that Capsiplex really will help you to lose weight. Of course this is not without some effort on your part. To truly see significant changes to your weight quickly, you should take Capsiplex 30-60 minutes before exercise everyday as well as eating a varied, balanced diet. But results from studies conducted have proven that people taking Capsiplex lose a considerable amount of weight and consume much fewer calories than those who do not. It is currently only available to buy from its official online website. Buy Capsiplex

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stop Snacking at Work


Hoodia and Appetite suppression

Look on the web and you will find hundreds of appetite suppressants all claiming to do the same thing, but have you ever looked closely into how they work?

On the one hand you have got natural appetite suppressants such as Proactol and UniqueHoodia that can help you to cut your meal portions without causing your body harm.

But then you have got others that work by chemically altering your brain signals, and affecting your health as a whole.

Take for example Reductil and Phentermine. Proven to help consumers lose a steady weight loss of 1-2lbs a week, alongside these benefits consumers can also expect to experience a range of other effects. And not all of the positive kind:

• Palpitations, breathlessness, racing heart, stomach cramps, diarrhoea – and these are only the tame ones.

Some of their less common side effects include coronary heart disease AND liver/pancreatic disease, not exactly inspiring.

So what can you do?

Well for a start we recommend that you do the research and check out the history of your supplement first, before investing.

Take the natural appetite suppressants mentioned above.

Alongside their ability to effectively suppress your appetite - Proactol has been proven to:

• Reduce your dietary fat intake by 28%
• Decrease your calories intake by 450 calories a day.

And UniqueHoodia has been found to:

• 10,000 times stronger than glucose at suppressing your appetite
• Reduce your food intake by 50%
• Cut your calorie intake by 2,000 calories

Plus to top it all they are 100% side effect free. What more can you ask for?

Offer your body a natural solution to weight loss

Compare all these supplements together and UniqueHoodia can offer you real credible results. Even more so than well renowned herbal supplement Proactol.

And these figures offered by UniqueHoodia are not just a statement either.

UniqueHoodia has been tried, tested and has been clinically proven to produce these results – something that not many Hoodia Gordonii supplements can offer.

Order your packet of UniqueHoodia today.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Battle of the Super Berries: Maqui or Acai

 Ultimate Maqui Berry

The epic challenge posed by two relatively new berries presenting themselves on the market is a serious one. On one side is the reigning title holder, the Acai berry, which burst into the international scene via the endorsement of no less an exalted personage as talk show queen Oprah Winfrey. The challenger is the newcomer the Maqui berry. How do they compare in qualities and essential characteristics?
    Both were virtually unknown by the free world 10 years ago. The Acai is native to the Brazilian forests and lands. Consumed for centuries by the indigenous people, Acai goods now proliferate in many societies due to its vaunted health and medicinal properties.   
    The Maqui berry originated in the hinterlands of Chile. Discovered by the West later than the Acai, it has a lesser following. The Maqui can be called an infant in terms of its experimental development and marketing. This is what has made it come second in popularity to the Acai.
In quality, the Maqui berry far outdoes the Acai. This fruit carries the topmost values of antioxidants.  It exceeds the Acai rating by more than three times its value per gram helping. Packed with inordinate amounts of anthocyanins and phenols, the Maqui has the capacity to shield the body from external enemies.  Research has positively indicated the results anthocyanins have on cell repair and rejuvenation, cardiovascular health, blood cleansing and connective tissue care. It guards against damage from dangerous oxidation processes. It maintains skin elasticity, sugar level balance and general well-being.
    Both the Maqui and the Acai have the capability to stimulate the detox process and produce weight loss results. Intake of the two berries have demonstrated brilliant subsequent outcomes when ingested as part of a detox and weight loss diet. But because the Maqui has greater antioxidant capacities, empirical studies seem to indicate it has a more sustained effect on weight loss and detox. A body shielded by Maqui undergoes a deeper purification and purging, leading to increased health benefits. Toxic substances are eradicated naturally and speedily. Metabolic rates shoot up. The body runs and burns more efficiently.
    If you are a skeptic and unbeliever, read the research literature for yourself. Peruse the statistics and numbers. Search the internet for legitimate information. You will find the evidence astonishing. In the end, this battle will be decided on actual facts and figures.