
Medi Direct International.


Evolution Slimming Ltd

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What Is The Best Way To Use Your Slimweight Patch?

For anyone who is looking to lose both large amounts of body weight and for those hoping to drop even a few pounds, the thought of a rigid diet and strenuous exercise routine are not all that appealing.
Slim Weight Patch

The truth is even more deflating in that not everyone's body responds the same to certain diets and an increase in workouts. That could mean that even if you are depriving yourself of your favourites foods and logging hours in the gym, you may not be getting the results you want. For this reason that is exactly why the scientists and doctors behind the Slimweight Patch have been working diligently to perfect what is now being called the weight loss "delivery system of the future."

The Slimweight Patch is unlike anything else you may have previously tried and will not only kick start your metabolism but significantly suppress your appetite as well. This will get you burning through copious amounts of fat and calories while simultaneity naturally spurring you to eliminate hundreds of extra calories each day from your diet as you will feel fuller off of much less food. What's more is that your cravings, especially for those heavy carbohydrate comfort foods, will also be waning with the aide of the Slimweight Patch.

So just how should you go about using the Slimweight Patch to achieve the optimal results? The use of the Herbal Patch simply couldn't be any easier; you will only need to apply the patch to a small area of dry skin and then you can forget about it and go about your regular schedule. You will switch out each patch for a new one every day and depending on how much weight you are intending to lose you will keep cycling through the patches according to the recommended dosage chart that is included.

You will then immediately see results within the first three days if not sooner, able to drop anywhere between two and four pounds of fat each week. Some satisfied customers have even reported upwards of a six pound weight loss each week with the Slimweight Patch.
While it is not necessary to adapt your diet or exercise routine at all while using the Slimweight Patch you can enhance the calorie burning effects with a fitness program. This doesn't have to be arduous hours running on the treadmill, as even brisk walks will do the trick. Sticking to an overall healthy diet is advised but with the Slimweight Patch you don't ever have to feel guilty about a few indulgences as it will not curtail your weight loss efforts in the least. With the help of the Slimweight Patch the task of losing weight no longer has to feel like a losing battle.

Friday, March 26, 2010

What Makes The Slimweight Patch Different From Other Weight Loss aids

Slim Weight Patch
Losing weight is hard. Anyone who has struggled with losing body fat or even as little as a few pounds can attest that a strict diet and exercise regime is both arduous and can leave you feeling deprived. On top of that, diet and exercise alone may not be effective for everyone as they each have a different metabolism, body type, and ability to burn fat.

For those that are still having trouble getting rid of those extra pounds a revolutionary new type of weight loss remedy from Roduve is here to help. What the scientists and specialists from Roncuve have created is something unlike any other weight loss aid or supplement you have ever tried and are promising to bring you much better results.

Roduve introduces their line of Slimweight Patches, the Herbal Patch and the Hoodia Patch. What separates these products from any other weight loss pill or supplement currently on the market today is that they are applied directly to the skin instead of being ingested. This is able to make them up to 95 percent more effective than a pill taken orally because as the ingredients in the Slimweight Patch are absorbed through the skin they immediately enter the blood stream.

From there they are then able to be metabolised and have their effect on the target hormones. Diet Pills however must first wait in the stomach and then pass through the digestive tract; by the time the ingredients in these supplements enter the blood system they are void of much of their initial potency and can be reduced to that of 5 percent effective of the ingested dosage.

The skin is by nature a very porous tissue and the scientists behind the Slimweight Patch have taken that concept and run with it. By eliminating much of the digestion processes more standard weight loss supplements go through in the body the Slimweight Patch is not only going to work better but faster as well. The time that is lost as the pills are moving through your stomach, liver, and then digestive tract is time wasted in terms of eliminating the fat already present on your body and the food you are eating.

For this reason doctors are astounded at how this complex combination of all natural ingredients are making the Slimweight Patch "the delivery system of the future." Don't waste your time, money, or energy with a weight loss pill that doesn't work as they will not only leave you with a hole in your wallet, but a sense of lost hope and failure.

It isn't your fault if you are like so many others who have repeatedly tried to lose weight and haven't been able to. With the Slimweight Patch you will finally see results and get the success you have always dreamed of.

Does Acai Berry work for weight loss?

PureAcaiBerryFollowing increasing media recognition from CBS and ABC, it is only sensible to wonder ‘can acai berry really encourage natural weight loss?’ Without researching first and checking to see its credentials are real, you could easily end up with a supplement that offers limited benefits to your body.

To help you in this assessment we have tried, tested and have come to the following conclusions:

Dubbed the#1 Superfood in the world, scientists at the University of Florida are describing it as one of the most versatile fruits around. Why? Because of its high concentrations of: antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, fibers and vitamins. Available now in a variety of different forms – juices, purees, dried or as a supplement – as long as this fruit has been properly processed and flash freezed, it can offer your body tremendous health benefits.

To date acai berry has proven to offer positive results in the prevention of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

How does it work?

Made of 40% fiber, this antioxidant rich fruit can help reduce the number of free radicals in your blood stream, keeping your immune system strong, your cells undamaged (both externally and internally) and your appetite suppressed.

Its minerals in particular have been proven to detox your body, cleansing your system of: toxins, unprocessed foods, and most importantly ensures extra calories are not turned into fatty tissue. Instead your digestive system is free to work more efficiently and your metabolism to run at optimum levels.

And when these elements are working at their peak, burning/eliminating fat from your body is not a problem.

Most notable is acai berries natural ability to induce appetite suppression. Helping your body to naturally reduce your meal sizes, eat less and feel fuller for longer, acai berry can help dieters to resist the temptation of snacking and grazing.

So can it help with weight loss?

Yes, plus it can provide you with a variety of other natural health benefits too: increased immunity, better vision, improved digestion, protection against cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

The only thing you need to be careful about here though is the quality of the product itself. Many manufacturers, keen to jump on the bandwagon, are now selling acai berry products that are either not 100% pure (instead containing sugar, caffeine and other fruit juices) or are not taking the time to properly preserve it.

The nutrients within acai berry fruits are prone to deteriorating within first 24 hours of harvesting; meaning its effectiveness against weight loss can fall.

However companies who use a technique called flash freezing have been able to bring this exotic fruit to you in its purest form straight from the Brazilian rainforests.

One such company we have found who offer this level of quality is Pure Acai Berry. Notably one of the safest and surest ways to make sure you are receiving 100% pure, unaltered acai berry this product is produced to the highest grading.

100% pure (not an extract), it is the most potent acai berry product on the market offering consumers 1500mg per a serving, plus:

• Certificates of analysis and purity

• Immediate fast weight loss from day 1

• Quality assured, produced in CGMP facilities

• Powerful antioxidant support – highest ORAC rating

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What is Acai?


Found primarily in the Brazilian rainforest, acai berries have been used for centuries by tribes for medicinal purposes. Easily recognisable for their deep purple colouring and grape-like shape, acai berries consist of 10% skin/pulp and 90% seed.

With such a minimal amount of pulp to use from each berry, it is easily understandable why this fruit has to be harvested carefully. Harvested too extensively, and this nutritious berry could be made extinct.

To eat this fruit though is said to be an enlightening experience, offering a mixture of flavours resembling numerous fruits and a hint of chocolate.

History of acai berry

Acai berry may be considered the latest dietary fad to hit the market, since its recent media appearances on ABC, NBC and CBS news, but the properties of acai berry have utilised long before this date.

For centuries acai berries have played an integral part in Brazilian herbal medicine:

• Oil of the fruit - used to treat diarrhoea
• Root infusion - used primarily to treat jaundice but when taken as a decoction of the root, it can also help treat: malaria, diabetes, hepatitis, hair loss, liver and kidney disease, haemorrhages, menstrual and muscle pain
• Fruit rind - used as a treatment for skin ulcers
• Seeds (once crushed) are believed in the Peruvian Amazon to cure fever

In certain parts of Columbia, acai berry (known there as naiad) is used in beverages, desserts, ice cream, energy drinks and even in breakfast cereals.

Acai Berry in the media

Featured on ABC, CBS and the Oprah Winfrey show, news of acai berries numerous health benefits has been globally. In Dr Perricone’s book “The Perricone Promise”, acai berry was quoted as being the #1 Superfood offering consumers not only a delicious berry but 10-30 times the antioxidants found in grapes.

In truth acai berry is the most nutrient dense berry on the market, offering consumers the promise of:

• Fast, immediate weight loss
• Boosted energy and stamina levels
• Bolstered immunity and protection against heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s
• Increased libido
• Protection against inflammation and aging

Acai Berry in your diet

Enriched in antioxidants, fiber, omega fatty acids, vitamins and amino acids, it is easy to see why acai berry is being proclaimed as the new weight loss fad. Research of this exotic fruit has discovered that many of its key ingredients can contribute to appetite suppression, increased metabolism as well as offer you increased muscle definition and tone.

Essentially all the tools you need to experience lasting, successful weight loss.

Acai Berry weight loss products

Despite the scientific evidence supporting this lucrative fruit, many companies – in their quest to harness acai berries media recognition as a Superfood – are not carefully harvesting this fruit. As a result, many of acai berries nutrients are lost during processing.

Part of the problem stems from the berry being highly perishable. If not processed correctly acai berry can spoil (and lose it potency) within 24 hours of being harvested. The key products to avoid for poor processing are products which use spray drying and drum drying. The intensity of this heat destroys most of the berries natural nutrients, making it useless against weight loss.

Similarly you should be wary of acai berry products which include other ingredients in their production creation. The inclusion of other juices, sugars and caffeine can minimise the quantity of acai berry you receive, reducing your success rates.

For real quality weight loss results, we recommend investing in acai berry products that have used flash freezing to preserve their berries. This is notably the safest and surest way to make sure you are receiving 100% pure, unaltered acai berry that is produced to the highest grading.

One such product is Pure Acai Berry. 100% pure (not an extract), it is the most potent acai berry product on the market offering consumers 1500mg per a serving, plus:

• Certificates of analysis and purity
• Immediate fast weight loss from day 1
• Quality assured, produced in CGMP facilities
• Powerful antioxidant support – highest ORAC rating
